
Hellebores Are Happy

Keep your hellebores happy and show their charming faces! These easy-care perennials ask only one thing of you, and that is to cut back their old leathery leaves in very...

Seasonal Stars in the Garden

Do you find that there are times of year when your garden fades, when there is nothing stellar to notice and you have to say to guests “wait until fall...

Planting Trees and Shrubs

He that plants a tree loves others beside himself – Thomas Fuller 1.  Before Planting. Take a moment to consider something that could make a huge difference in the health...

How To Care For A Young Tree

by Susan The decision has been made, the hole dug and the tree planted, following all the instructions of course! Now what? Research has shown that newly planted trees take...

Container Gardening with Succulents

by Faye SOIL RECIPE FOR SUCCULENT CONTAINERS 4 parts sterilized potting soil (not peat-based soilless blend) 1 part coarse sand (available at Trio, Gravel Mart, Peninsula Landscape Supply, etc) 1...

Working With Clay Soil

Having clay soil may seem like a great misfortune, but if it is managed and handled properly it can produce an abundance of plant growth. Clay soils can be very...