Open Tuesday through Sunday 9am - 5pm 1370 Wain Rd, North Saanich 1 (250) 656-0384

Transform your garden into a space you want to spend time in

Russell Nursery is a family owned and operated retail nursery, founded in 1992. Whether you are new to gardening or an old hand, you can expect a warm welcome and as much help as needed to sort out what can seem like a bewildering number of choices.

Quality Plants and Knowledgeable Staff!

We pride ourselves on our knowledgeable staff and our service-oriented approach. Looking for something specific? Or perhaps you have a garden-related question? Send us a message or give us a call and we’ll do our best to help you out!

What’s Happening at Russell Nursery?

We’re busy as bees getting the nursery ready for spring!

Warmer weather is arriving along with a myriad of pots, fertilizers, tools, and plants. Looking for seeding supplies? We’ve got lots in stock.

We look forward to welcoming everyone back to another gardening season and helping you with all your gardening questions and needs in 2025.

Snowdrops in snow

Extremely knowledgeable staff and a huge selection of top quality plants. Worth the scenic drive out to Wain road.

My happy place! I love it here! The staff are all amazing – so knowledgeable and helpful.

I love to shop at Russell’s. The staff is friendly, helpful and very knowledgeable.

Excellent, wonderful place for all things for the garden and a very knowledgeable staff to help find just the right plants.


comparison of tomatos

How Not to Kill your Seedlings

By Faye Killing your seedlings is easy, but so is growing them to become strong and vibrant young plants! Whether you sow your own seeds or buy starts from the…

Mixed Flowers

For The Love Of Flowers, Start A Cutting Garden

By Faye  Most of us want to bring the beauty and fragrance of flowers into our homes, but worry about plundering the garden beds by cutting off blooms. The solution?…

Bee on Mahonia

Plants to Nourish and Encourage Native Bees

by Faye To keep your local bee population well fed and happy, think ahead to have early blooming flowers in your garden. Bumble bees emerge from their winter nests while…