Putting Your Bees To Bed

fayes bee condo

We are now past the Autumnal Equinox, and into the third season of our year.  It’s been quite a year, with bees struggling against unseasonable cold and wet for a very long time this past spring. However, the cycle of nature worked through the challenges, and the bees are now fully formed in their cocoons, all settled down for a long winter’s nap.

I didn’t have the success I’ve had in the past, as you can see in the photo there are many apartments still for rent in my bee condo.  Fortunately, Brian has a full house, with most of his compartments mudded over, so we should have lots of bees available early next spring.

Around this time of year is a good time to put the cocoons, still in the condo, inside a shed, garage, or anywhere outside where it will be somewhat protected from the winter storms and predators, yet still cold enough to keep the bees in hibernation. Now that the bees are fully formed, there is no danger of moving them so just take the inside trays out of the condo (if using our condos or any kind that has a removable stack of trays) and put into a secure box where rodents can’t access for a mid winter snack, and keep the box in the shed. It should be noted that some bee nurturers choose to leave the condo outside, but if yours is situated where blowing rain and snow pose a hazard, then it’s worth the bit of effort to move to a protected place.  No need to clean them yet, that can anytime between November-January.

Click on the Mason Bees Category  for our other bee articles and useful info.

As the winter cold and storms descend upon us, you’ll feel happy knowing that your precious little pollinators are snug in their beds, ready to continue their marvelous cycle of life next spring.