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Russell Nursery carries a large assortment of bulbs in the fall and spring including:
Allium, Anemone, Camas, Crocus, Daffodils, Grape Hyacinth, Scilla, Snowdrops, Tulips
Bulbs Description:
Bulbs are the perfect way to practice delayed gratification in your garden. Spring bulbs are usually planted in the fall and you will have to patiently wait months before you see anything; however, they are well worth the wait!
There is almost nothing more exciting and rewarding than seeing your garden come alive with colour after a long cold and dreary winter. Spring bulbs are also a great way to bring life and colour to your patio containers early in the season.
Summer bulbs are planted in the spring and will flower only a few months later.
By selecting a variety of bulbs with a wide range in flowering time you can have bulbs flowering from early spring until fall.