Thank you to all our contest participants in November and congratulations to Wendi on Pender Island, the winner of this month’s draw!
All of your entries bring us joy and therefore we want to share them! Thus here they are, in no particular order:
November Entries

Caren on Pender Island
Toad lilies are great late bloomers for fall colour. This plant was hiding in among the bleeding hearts and didn’t get munched by the deer. Unfortunately the other ones were not so lucky.

Alison in Central Saanich
This stunning yellow magnolia was purchased at RN. It’s not only gorgeous but it is a very sentimental gift.

Lois in North Saanich
I know it's not a plant, but my Hall's Greenhouse that I purchased from you folks brings me joy when it's growing melons, cucumbers, tomatoes and eggplants during the summer, and when it's glowing with Christmas lights in the winter!!

Jenna on Galiano Island
Just until recently we have enjoyed roses in our garden. They were still pushing buds throughout November somehow. Some of our roses are from Russel, the rest from Phoenix on the lower mainland. Amazing they can bloom so late into winter!

Roses blooming early November ...

Karen in Brentwood Bay
Just love snow! Fills the garden with new vibes, especially when lit at night.

Karla in Cadboro Bay
I just love the smell and taste of Genovese basil. I also love the beauty of the plants and the terracotta pots. Instant Mediterranean summer.

Lindsey in Colwood
Waiting for our tomato's to ripen! They loved the sunshine and we loved eating them!

Deborah in Colwood
Starting from a blank slate with a couple of scraggly rhododendrons on a steep mountainside in the shade of Cedar trees. A vision of a babbling brook winding down the hill was achieved not with water but Japanese Forest grass. Near the top my dog Annie & the Meerkat are surveying the scene. My favourite part of the garden creating a soothing effect.

Marilyn in Victoria
My Delphinium chinensis—Chinese delphinium … dwarf blue flowers in any garden are a sight to behold!

Bonita in North Saanich
This Chocolate Silk tree or Albizia Chocolate Summer is the last tree to get it's leaves and the last to loose it's foliage . The burgundy foliage stands out and provides this wonderful lacy canopy by a walkway.

Dorinda in North Saanich
It pleases me that the geraniums and chrysanthemums are still blooming and it's the end of November!

Brian in North Saanich
Stewartia with fall colour: Even though fall colours are a harbinger of winter, this year the ornamental trees (especially Acer japonica, Parrotia & Stewartia) seem to be lasting much longer and may even have some colour and leaves by the time winter officially arrives next month.

Karen in Brentwood Bay
Usually the trees are bare by now, so it’s unusually pleasant to enjoy the colour of the trees from my bedroom window this late in November! This backyard is a work in progress, but every year I add more trees from your lovely nursery!

Barb in Langford
Another year in the garden has come and gone…now comes the constant cleanup after winter wind storms. Here is a corner of the backyard we enjoyed this year.

Joanne in North Saanich
The reds on my Japanese maples are always a pleasant surprise. They turn when they are ready and the colours vary from year to year, but they always look brilliant against the darker greens of the forest. For extra colour, I keep the hydrangea blossom brackets on the plants until the leaves give out and the brackets turn brown after giving me months of change from whites to pinks and blues and purples - before browning. This photo was taken on Nov 21 and the leaves still have’t dropped!

Cynthia in Sidney
It is delightful to see these Cyclamens in my garden after all my other flowers are gone. It is a welcome sight in these colder months. This is the hardy perennial cyclamen hederifolium with its marbled ivy shaped leaves.

Louie in Deep Cove
This is our first Calla Lily and it continued blooming until November frost hit. It made us happy well into the darker season.

Kenna in Saanichton
I love how my Maples coordinate their colour changes so they create their own rainbow of colours.

Dee in Dean Park
The seasons meet each other, fall has arrived and leaving summer behind. Look closely and you'll see a couple sweet little blossoms.

Heidi in Delta
We planted a waterfall Japanese Maple this past summer and was enjoying the beautiful delicate foliage and were delighted to see it turning a striking golden yellow with a fringe of scarlet red. Nature is always amazing but I really admire it the most in autumn.

Karin in Central Saanich
The last few years, I have left much of the garden clean up for early spring. The perennials create wonderful winter interest and an abundance of food for the birds to forage. Win/win! The echinacea (which I bought at Russell in 2021) and rudbeckia seed heads look fantastic in the snow. What could be prettier? I also get to enjoy watching the birds feast on the seeds in the late fall and winter. Even more winning 🙂

I bought this Holly, Ilex ‘Lawsoniana’ several years ago from Russell Nursery and come Christmas wreath making time, it is a big favourite. One thing for sure are the perfect blend of choice colours for the season with the bonus of the berries. Best of all though is the fact it has no sharp spines!

Steve in Sidney
Every year my Gooseneck flowers at exactly the same time as my babies breath. Together they look stunning

Barbara in Gordon Head
Fall colors behind the gate

Wendi on Pender Island
I am always so happy to see the bright flowers of this cyclamen rise up during the season of oncoming cold rain and snow. The leaf patterns are exquisite as well, with the beautiful shade of purple on the undersides ... and those little curlicues are just so sweet!

Michelle on Pender Island
Sub-Tropical New Zealand Flax (Phormium tenax) braves the coastal winter. I love my many healthy stands but I take special care with maintenance throughout the year. Choosing a sunny, well-drained site with good soil is key. I rarely water it but do in high summer on occasion. Really enjoy the sound of their long leaves rustling in the breeze. Last winter took a toll on this usually hardy plant, followed by the wet spring that sogged out the crowns. You do what you can to repair and rejuvenate and fortunately the 7 clumps recooped and put on fresh growth once things dried out and the dieback was removed. So, don't give up!- They really can fool you by looking like a lost cause- be patient, it's worth the wait and effort!

Sheena in Deep Cove
My Fuchsia Magellanica, commonly known as the hummingbird fucshia thrives in my garden. True to its nickname it is a magnet for hummingbirds The more I cut it back the more it grows. It adds a wonderful display of colour at this time of year.

Jane in Central Saanich
Just a few leaves left on the tree after the latest storm leaving a red carpet on the ground.

Connie in View Royal
My ‘Mums’ have suffered somewhat in the recent heavy rain and are not as magnificent this month as last. But this cluster, sheltered under a deck in a sunny location, is shining forth!

Rachel in Sidney
Fall fireworks in the garden

Tracy in Saanich
My last Sunflower of 2022 with the beautiful fall colours of my blueberry plants behind it:)

Connie on Mt. Newton
This begonia has been blooming on my west-facing front steps all summer, but the flowers have never been as profuse as now (early November). It's my favourite colour and I'm delighted every time I walk up the steps!!

Olga in North Saanich
As the wisteria starts to fade, the peonies are getting ready to put on their show

Radha on Saltspring
It's the end of season, bees lazily take a sip from the lavender, birds peck at seeds from Fall flowers And the Wisteria garden is transitioning to wetter days. Spring bulbs are planted, the Dahlias are resting in a bed of peat moss. the gate is closing for the season... nature transitions so splendidly. Gardeners rest and prepare for the what's next... oh, it feels good as it all starts to slow down.

Barbara in Sidney
We live on Third Street in Sidney. A very busy walking street, and get loads of comments on the rose bushes we have growing there. I was told you cannot grow roses in pots, but I have six which bloom all season long. Lush red, pink, yellow roses. They get lots of sun and admiration.

Louise on Curteis Point
Fall colours in the backyard after a wet and windy night.

Deborah in North Saanich
Anemone (September Charm) taken from my garden, are still in bloom today on Nov 2, 2022! Abundant and delicate, these beautiful masses of soft pink flowers with delightful yellow stamens are tall and dramatic, swaying with the breezes at my front entry!

Phyllis on Mayne Island
Sunflowers shyly peeking out from behind the deer fence watching for the fallow deer and saying farewell to fall.

Paul on Saltspring Island
Beautiful late fall oak leaves.

Ana on Mayne Island
What’s more fun than walking in the woods searching for wreaths materiales? Moss, holly and arbutus tree fruits, working together to bring some early holiday cheer!

Shirley in Cordova Bay
As we look forward to a gardener’s quiet time and the joy of Christmas, nature occasionally blesses us with a winter wonderland. At such times, this Japanese Maple Osakasuki can put on a lacey white show …a lovely display seen through our kitchen window as we prepare holiday meals.

John in North Saanich
My dahlias have given me the greatest joy this season. This one is called "Colwood Hope" and is eight inches across. I have had a gorgeous selection of twenty two different colours and sizes up to large dinner plate size. They are grown in my vegetable garden to protect them from the deer. Our home has been filled with dahlias and Roses all summer long.

Catherine in Esquimalt
Dahlia ‘Show N Tell’ was a showstopper in the fall garden this year.
October Entries

Shirley in Cordova Bay
I love the view from our bedroom balcony…a great way to start the day. As the seasons change, the Japanese maples in the back yard come into their own, with crimson and gold leaf clouds reminding us that autumn has well and truly arrived.

Lynn in Sidney
Morden Blush Rose introduced by Agriculture Canada

Kathy in Saanichton
One of my favourite photos going towards my garden gate. Interesting sky that day.

Love the individuality of these one-off dahlia blooms. Creates a fun “never know what nature will do” aspect to plantings.

Wendi on Pender Island
This tobacco plant came as a seedling from friend, and I had no idea how beautiful and big these plants get compared to the ornamental nicotiana varieties. The hummingbirds love the flowers and it seems really happy with this extended summer we are having.

Joyce in Oak Bay
A gardener’s patience is rewarded! A recent house addition resulted in a bright, south-facing gravel strip in need of some greenery. The installation of a deer fence meant it was finally possible to grow roses! So I ordered bare root roses from Russell’s in the winter and decided to try my hand at growing them in containers. I planted them in March, though an unseasonably cold spring delayed blooms somewhat. But, once they began, they just kept going! Here it is the middle of October and the sight of these beautiful, sumptuous, fragrant blossoms fills my heart with joy.

Our unusual warm fall has kept the flowers blooming their hearts out and making us very happy.

Kendell in Saanich
Cyclamen is so hardy and happy in a dry woodland garden. It cheers up an evergreen groundcover of oxailis montana that requires no maintaining. What a joy for October as cyclamen only blooms when temperatures dip in fall.

Casey on Mayne Island
Behind the garden trellis…:). My husband and I moved to Mayne Island almost a year ago to the day! We fenced the property during the winter months so that I could put in a garden. I brought these bleeding hearts over from my mom’s house in burnaby. I planted them in an early morning/ late afternoon sunny location in the early spring and they have flourished ever since. They are still blooming and it’s October 15th!! Did I mention that they are planted along side the septic drainage field. I suspect that has something to do with their success ;). We just put in that arbour and trellis and as soon as your rose catalogue comes out I’ll be adding a climbing rose :). Happy Fall!

This picture was taken on October 16th…..with this warm weather the baskets are still looking lovely.

Karen in Brentwood Bay
My new ( this year) Rose of Sharon continues to bloom in the middle of October!!! It’s a compact container variety and it really adds to the patio!

Jamaica on Galiano Island
Dahlias are always a treat this time of year in my garden, few other things are blooming but these babies always go on til the last possible moment when the weather gets too cold for the buds to open.

Cynthia in Sidney
This Sunflower variety Autumn Beauty series never ceases to amaze me . They bring sunshine and their happy faces to my garden.

Marilyn in Victoria
Candy to my eyes—purple asters brighten up this part of my garden.

Margo in Saanich
I am standing underneath the weeping katsura tree and enjoying the change in colour as well as the wonderful fragrance--sort of brown sugar/vanilla. The leaves are a beautiful yellow mixed with the green and the last of the sunshine and blue skies.

Connie in View Royal
I simply love everything about marigolds…their vibrancy, brilliant colouration and fragrance. I appreciate that there is a myriad of varieties from which to choose! Marigolds remind me of ‘home’ and of my grandmother, mother and sister who have all been great gardeners. My marigolds are planted in a hillside terrace bed. The photo doesn’t lend itself to showing the marigold’s garden bed companions but I chose to take a close-up photo to capture the detail of the petals.

Michelle on Pender Island
Begonias just keep on going in our record warm and sunny autumn. They are easy to overwinter in a dry, cool spot indoors when the weather chills down.

Roberta in North Saanich
The Hydrangea 'Everlasting Ocean' and Hosta 'Brother Stefan' brighten up a shady corner in the yard.

Barbara in Gordon Head
Corner plot tidied up and ready for winter

Danielle in Salmon Arm
Out front flower garden is my “displayed” garden. Since it was our first year of landscaping on this property I planted too many vegetables and not enough flowers so this quickly became a flower and pepper garden which thrived better than the others. From now on I will always plant peppers amongst this front flower garden. I think the plants knew they would be helping feed an extra family from the Ukraine this year on top of our own. I love tending to this garden.

Dorinda in North Saanich
Enjoying the lovely autumn colors of these marigolds!

Cherry in Richmond
Pinch me! it's real. The little greenhouse is a dream come true. To arrive to the present was a long and challenging process but even when the weather is turning somber, there is a happiness just seeing this glass house everyday. It's going to continue to be a learning process, but the kids are in for the winter. Much much thanks to my hubby, son, my contractor, Halls Greenhouses and Russell Nursery (especially Nathan) for making this real!

Heidi in South Delta
While doing a bit of cleanup and admiring the fall colour, I discovered that my Pink Elf saxifrage was finally blooming. It was planted this past spring. What a nice surprise! I was content just admiring its bronze foliage all growing season but now it has flowers too.

Brian in North Saanich
Cercis canadensis in the foreground and Parrotia persica in the background. Definite harbingers of fall, spectacular colours.
September Entries

Louise in Central Saanich
Hydrangea with frog in petal.

Shelley in Bazan Bay
What would a new deck be without pots full of beautiful plants. We went with a mix of shrubs, perenials and annuals. It’s fun to mix it up!

Wendi on Pender Island
This is the first year I have grown cosmos from seed, and I am so surprised at how prolific they are, in plant size as well as in abundance of blooms over a long period of time. Their simple and beautiful flowers are wonderfully illuminated in the deepening September sun, and the floating but punctuating colour is freshly vibrant amid the many other plants that are turning to seed.

Sandra in Dean Park
Unable to escape to a tropical location when the COVID pandemic hit, I decided to create a mini version in my own small yard. I concentrated on large leaf plants: palms, brugmansia, fatsia, heuchera, potato vines, colocasia and grasses. The waterfall and birdbath offered the soothing background ambiance and a favourite spot for birds. I have been a customer of Russell Nursery for several years - Their plants are the best and their service is second to none.

Marilyn in Victoria
“Here’s looking at you, kid.”

Jane in Central Saanich
Bonita rose purchased this year. After a very productive first set of blooms we are enjoying the second round along with the lovely autumnal days.

Barbara in Gordon Head
This is the path through my shade garden.

Deanna Joan in North Saanich
My daughter sent me a notice about a fundraiser for the BCSPCA. It was to buy wildflower seeds. So, I dutifully did, but didn't know where to plant them. After some thought, I decided that the perfect place would be where we had recently had to have a tree cut down. However, there was no soil for flowers, so it meant talking my husband into buying a load of soil, and then unloading it and getting it ready for me to plant. This is doesn't happen overnight. 😀 This is the result. We have been enjoying it and the couple of bushes that were there, have looked even better.

Heidi in South Delta
One of my favourite begonias that I wait for every year in my shade garden beside my patio where I enjoy my morning coffee. I love the way the gentle morning sun lights up the red in the leaves and the contrast of the fern with its amazing foliage.

Paula in Orleans
How I love my begonias that are planted in my front garden. This photo was taken in the last week and look at the size of those begonias! They like their location! Of course, I have to have my Blue Heron close by to look over my little darlings. The Black Eyed Susans make a great backdrop and the Cosmos from seed add a hint of drama.

Jamaica on Galiano Island.
Zinnias for days! Nothing quite like the jelly bean colours they display this time of year. Long lasting blooms, pollinators and great cut flowers!

Jo-Anne in North Saanich
Every year i grow Gaillardia from seed and plant it in the dryer spots of the garden. I love the bright reds and yellows and the seed pods are lovely to look at as well. They usually come back for a couple of years. Always a bonus.

Michelle on Pender Island
An autumn flush of sweet smelling Clematis terniflora begins to bloom on the front arbor. Outside the gate, herbs, corsican hellebore, phormium (NZ flax) and other grasses co-habitat with the fearless deer. A handsome potted Ninebark- 'Ginger Wine', that I just picked up at the fall sale at Russell Nursery will be a test to see how 'deer resistant' it is. Sydney, my 'greeter' stands lookout.

Geoff in Sidney
Looking up from my morning coffee. The sideways and filtered sunlight makes even the most regular plum tree look interesting. #septembermornings

Pamela in Sidney
The blossoms come with their own internal sunshine, it seems.

Cynthia in Sidney
I am fascinated by these amazing sweet peas that keep on blooming way into the end of September. They continue to emit their fragrance and I don't mind weeding in their part of the garden. They certainly add interest to our old garden fence. I will save her seeds for next year!

Margo in Saanich
This is a small boulevard garden that we share with our neighbours. It has survived being at the street and all the visits from the local dogs, children, street cleaners along with the various weather conditions. It really pretty much looks after itself. It is so cheery and gives me a smile each and every day!

Dorinda in North Saanich
Zinnias are my favorite flower to celebrate the cusp of Summer and Autumn. Their cheerful blooms, each so unique, bring me joy as the last sunny days end with a crisp chill in the air.

Barb in Langford
Here’s a little corner of the back yard. It used to be a pond but the raccoons were constantly destroying it.

Mike in Saanichton
I was in your nursery this morning, chatting to a couple of your staff. I mentioned that I was growing a David Austin rose named "crocus rose". I said it was probably 8 feet tall and almost as wide. Here's a photo that really doesn't do it justice, but you can see how large it has grown.

Shirley in Cordova Bay
Fall is in the air and the Japanese Maples contribute their glorious colour to the changing of colour in the surrounding forest. The cooler days invite one into the garden to putter, do clean-up, and relish the autumn sun before the rains come.

Lynn in Sidney
Pale yellow rose with Smokebush (Cotinus). I love this combination every year. This is a rose that is as tough as its Prairie roots.

Phillipa in Langford
I purchased this bare root David Austin 'Golden Celebration' last year from Russel Nursery. I had seen it and smelt it's fabulous fragrance in a friend of mine's garden and HAD to have it. It has special meaning as I purchased it in honour of my mom who was English and also a 'Royal' to the core. She passed in 2019 at the age of 100. She would have loved it, as she had a garden full of DA roses when we were small.

Connie in View Royal
Sweetening on the vine! So many grapes draped along the side and courtyard and front eves of our home this year. The photo shows only a few of the clusters of fruit! Unbelievable that so much growth exudes from a single vine!

Rachel in Sidney
Beautiful Stonecrop just coming into bloom. I look forward to this plant blooming every year, it just gets better and better every year! Managed to capture a bee working away on the blooms too.

Eliska in Saanich
My kind of bouquet ♥️
August Entries

Kaity in Saanich.
I absolutely love watching all the butterflies & hummingbirds visit our gorgeous hanging basket!

Barbara in Gordon Head.
First bloom on the new hydrangea.

Heather in Deep Cove.
Sometimes a plant just likes to be centre stage!

Wendi on Pender Island.
The colour combination of this goldenrod with lavaterra is so joyful and expessive of the height of summer. The bees really love both of them too! In among the generous self seeding and spreading flowers is a young mulberry tree that we are just beginning to get fruit from. I will probably dig and divide some of the goldenrod and lavaterra in the fall and add it to new areas of the garden. These two plants came to me as small transplants only two years ago!

Jamaica on Galiano Island.
Milkweed that I ordered from Russell nursery two years go, the honey bees love it!!

From lawn to garden in three days. Three trips to nursery to finishing project. Looking forward to future blooms.

Michele on Pender Island.
In order to get to my tomatoes, i have to cross the Sunflower territory. My greenhouse offered a volunteer this season that I let stay. She is 10 feet tall now and has at least 20 budded blooms-to-be, 4 of which I have harvested in the last week. She supports a family of tiny Pacific Tree Frogs who hop back when we gently close the doors at night. I make sure there is a dish of water in there for them and whomever else. Sometimes you have to nurture the unexpected. Even though this giant plant is smack dab in the middle of the entrance to my hothouse and I have to gently shimmy around it- (Sometimes little frogs jump on my chest/face), I still am happy that it provides more joy than inconvenience. This was the first big bloom...happy dance!

Karen in Brentwood Bay.
My first ever attempt at growing roses! I bought two bare root roses from your nursery early this year and they are thriving!! Beautiful and fragrant.

Kendell in Saanich.
Seeing Sedum Autumn Joy purpurea bloom by late August , is a bit bittersweet. This means fall is around the corner. All types of bees including honey bees, flock to it by afternoon, letting me know of its generous nectar production.

Connie in View Royal.
I love that this ‘arrangement’ lives close to my front entrance so that it welcomes me home and welcomes visitors to my home! What a beautiful symbiosis…each year the lily emerges in the centre of the daisies, creating a brilliant contrast of blossoms and colours!

Bonita in North Saanich.
The magic of nature! How does one plant give you blooms in such a variety of colour. My Hydrangeas this year are pure magic. With pink, purple, blue and mauve, all analogous colours on the color wheel, on one plant. How does she do it? With so many plants being stressed by our environmental conditions the Hydrangeas this year have thrived and out-performed other flowering shrubs and perennials. What a show, that goes on and on into fall as they antique and grow gracefully to their demise. They are really keeping the garden vibrant and welcoming at this time of years as other flowers begin to fade. Enjoy their lasting beauty.

John in Sidney.
We live in downtown Sidney on a small lot. This is a photo of our rear garden - it's a small oasis that gives us a great deal of pleasure sitting and relaxing.

Dorinda in North Saanich.
Compact green oakleaf lettuce sheltered by overgrown chicory endive and cheerful marigolds enjoy the last of summer days. I enjoy companion planting in my vegetable garden for natural pest control and the beauty of mixing colorful flowers with edibles. The hummingbirds are attracted to the tall branches of Tres Fine Maraichere and their flowers. I find them sitting atop the branches guarding their territory!ree days. Three trips to nursery to finishing project. Looking forward to future blooms.

Roberta in North Saanich.
The wisteria trained up a pole in my front side yard is having a fantastic second bloom along with the hydrangea. There is a shaded bench nearby to relax on and enjoy the scent.

Louise in Central Saanich
I am truly fascinated by my decorative Dahlia. It is called Rebecca's World. The plant produces a solid Magenta bloom other flowers are bi-colour cream and Magenta or Magenta with a tinge of cream. I planted 6 tubers = 6 tall plants with several branches, truly magnificent!

Geoff in Sidney
These were here when I first moved in had not bloomed. This year I trimmed back the branches that were shading them out. They are really enjoying the sun now 😎

Cheryl in Sidney.
This unique “Black Rose Arboreum” loves the sun and receives a lot of attention from garden visitors.

Mike in Saanich.
A lovely white dahlia graces the entry to our shaded patio in our home. It has plenty of sun, and is watered and fertilized as required. A beauty!

Connie in View Royal.
Lisianthus is a new addition to my garden this year. I’ve nestled it next to the trellis installed for my sweet peas, thinking the delicately-stemmed plant may benefit from support as it grows in height. The brilliant purple of the flower both blends with and complements the spectrum of colours displayed by the sweet pea blossoms!

Barb in Langford.
We love to sit on the back deck looking out onto the garden. Living in a forested area is lovely, especially in the heat.

Susan in Saanich.
My small patio garden has a lot packed into it. One of my favourites is the very vibrant lime green sweet potato plant. The contrast with the new varieties of petunias are quite stunning. Add in Lobelia and nemesia which complement the many colours.

Marilyn in Victoria.
The green foliage make the perfect background for the striking hues of my Godetia blooms.

Jane in Dean Park.
This is a Burst of Joy rose tree given to me as an anniversary gift by my husband. We struggled through black spot and the plant finally seems to be recuperating. The first bloom and bud since it has improved. I haven’t had a rose tree before and I love the colour and the fact it has “gotten better”! A positive gardening experience!
July Entries

Nancy in North Saanich.
This rose was a bare root rose from Russell Nursery 2 years ago! Now we are designing an arbour for it. Magnificent and wonderful aroma too! Thanks Russell Nursery

Tomoyo in Oak Bay.
Shirley poppies are doing so well this year. I love the way they start lifting the round buds on their thin stems, the way they flower so freely in the breezes. Honey bees love collecting the pollen in the cup of pink flowers.

Jane in Saanichton.
My plants are thriving in and around my greenhouse expertly erected by Russells. They are doing so well I've even had to move my chair out - whatever next!

Georgia in Saanich.
The bees! The birds! The colours!

Kendell in Saanich.
Hebe franciscana 'Blue Gem' with its evergreen glossy leaves and blue purple 4 inch long flowers is a must for coastal gardens. It is hardy to minus 10 C and on the pollinator list for British Columbia, seeing it coated with bees gives me a warm fuzzy feeling all summer.

Michelle on Pender Island.
Sun loving Canterbury Bells flourish in the cutting garden. They are a hit in bouquets- long lasting, great with a variety of old fashioned cottage garden perenial and biennials.

Rhoda in North Saanich.
I spent most of my day admiring my Hydrangea garden. I love the Vanilla and strawberry and the Incrediball hydrangeas because they bloom every year and has red and white blooms. They are great for cut flower arrangements, either fresh or dried. The dried flowers are also great for winter interest.

Davina in Oak Bay.
A Niobe clematis, bought at the nursery, is always a summer delight growing up the arbour in the back garden for us to enjoy.

Joanne in Cloake Hill.
We needed a tree. Brian said a Robinia would look good against the darker green of our forested area. He was right. We planted a Robinia pseudoacacia, and love the way it glows almost yellow when it is in full leaf. Everyone who comes into the garden asks about it. Here it is on an early morning in July, with our Beni Otake Japanese Maple in the upper left corner, Kaveri novelty lilies and Easy Does It rose in the foreground.

Karen in Brentwood Bay.
A little bit of bliss on my side patio off the kitchen! This year I’ve added to my usual plants and planted a butterfly bush and two Rose of Sharon bushes, not quite blooming yet.

Dorinda in North Saanich.
These graceful fuchsia flowers remind me of fine ladies in elegant hats. I've spotted the humming birds gently open the closed buds with their long bills--trying to speed up the bloom!

Bonita in North Saanich.
This Calycanthus "Aphrodite" is very heat and drought resistant and has been blooming for a month and continues to have wonderful blooms to enjoy. It looks tropical and provides an interesting variety in my garden. Rub it's leaves and you will savor the "Sweet aroma" .

Eleanor in North Saanich.
Wonderful Floribunda “Easy Does It”, just ordered it from Russell’s this year,disease resistant & prolific flowers, just love it!

Terri in North Saanich.
The magnificent magnolia blossom. This tree grows on a slope and stands beside a bird bath, so its low branches are convenient perches to the birds taking breaks. There's nothing in the garden that speaks summer as much as these blossom's lemony scent. Though they are brief, they make up for it with their grand display.

Carolyn in Oak Bay.
The first spectacular blooms of my new "Apricot Drift", a bare-root rose I pre-ordered last summer for planting out on my apartment balcony this year. Apricot Drift is a gorgeous, very fragrant, long-blooming landscaping rose that can also do well in a pot on a small Oak Bay balcony.

Gail in James Bay.
The many phases of the “Blue Light” clematis - slowly opening up. This plant is now 22 years old and this year has never looked better. I was dissuaded from reporting it in the early spring and thank goodness!

Swallowtail by Julie
Beautiful butterfly bush that attracts dozens of stunning butterflies every summer!

Brian on Curteis Point.
Abutilon ’Tiger’s Eye’ (flowering maple) is a South American native that grow in the Andes where we saw 3 meter shrubs loaded with blooms near Machu Picchu. Here it is marginally hardy and generally requires winter protection. It is relatively easy to propagate from cuttings.

Dorinda in North Saanich.
Poppies, petunias and peonies--June happenings in my garden makes it difficult to decide which photo to send along this month. This Sarah Bernhardt peony displayed lovely pink blooms that faded to white over several weeks providing a lasting display of beauty. They are happily planted in front of my roses as they seem to enjoy each others company.

Anne in Sidney.
Wisteria at the entrance to the house.

Hilary in Langford.
"Who says a septic field has to be just grass."

Sue in Central Saanich.
Our oasis/island with two waterfalls, a stream and a lower pond. Latest addition our Jap maple on the shoreline.

Heather in North Saanich.
Only a gardener truly appreciates a wet summer and spring. My garden is very lush this year and I’m loving all the shades of green! I thought I would include one of my favourite quotes about gardening. “The glory of gardening, hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul.” ~ Alfred Austin.

Eleanor in North Saanich.
Just love my garden,most plants from Russell’s !

Margo in Saanich.
Blue and Yellow for Ukraine

Cynthia in Sidney.
My orange Daylily has a happy face. Although it only lasts for a day, it sure brightens up the corner of my garden.

Barbara in Gordon Head.
This is Persicaria ‘Painter’s Palette’. I love the foliage on this plant and often use it in bouquets with red or yellow flowers.

Wendi on Pender Island.
This is the first year that these Henderson's Checkermallow have really gotton established. I am hoping to add many new native plants to my garden each year, they are so beautiful, and hopefully I will learn more about the native pollinators and insects that they will attract.

Barb in Langford.
Part of my shade garden.

Jamaica on Galiano Island.
This is Summer Romance, she has the most beautiful fragrance. Every year I await the first blooms to open at which time I literally bury my nose in the petals and drift off into rose heaven

Shirley in Cordova Bay.
I am always happy to see these Mexican Tiger Flowers emerge each July. They seem to be happy in the south-facing foundation bed.

Shirley in North Saanich.
This bed gives me great pleasure to enjoy as it is directly off the patio. The majority of plants and shrubs are from my favourite place to shop, Russell Nursery. The beautiful and huge Persicaria are just one of the many textures and colours that make this special for me.

Caren on Pender Island.
First bloom on a new daisy that was planted last year. Looks like a Shasta daisy having a bad hair day!

Diane in Sidney.
South facing garden that I love for its hydrangeas, hot lips and stone/ brick little wall I built on the right. Really like the reflections also of the trees.
June Entries

Cindy in Sidney
Bought this tree peony at Russell’s about four years ago, it has produced these outstanding large blossoms every year. Though they look delicate, the blossoms can take the wet very well better than traditional peonies.

Debbie in Gordon Head
Busy bumblebees enjoying or 40+ year old Rhodo. This is my favourite plant in our small backyard garden

Jane in Victoria
I am a long time Russell Nursery customer and thought I would send in a photo of my tree peony I adore. It has a nostalgic memory for me because it is always blooming at the time of my daughter’s birthday and Mother’s Day. Its bloom time is short, especially if there are strong winds, but its frgrance, blousy appearance, hardiness and deer/disease resistance make it all worth it! This particular peony was pruned almost to the ground, due to a difficult move in the garden once, and now is thriving again. It always reminds me of the birth of my lovely daughter 25 years ago on Mothers Day. Best gift EVER.

Marcia in Rural Saanich
This beautiful poppy is called a LadyBird poppy and has gorgeous dark spots on the inside of the bloom. We love it because, though it isn’t a Flanders Poppy, it reminds us of the sacrifice many made on our behalf.

Dorothy in Mill Bay
Gardens are for Sharing. We were pleased to be part of the 2022 Cowichan Valley Family Life Garden Tour, welcoming over 300 appreciative guests to spend time in our mature, well-pruned garden.

Wendy in Brentwood Bay
A pollinator on wallflowers from last year’s pollinator mix. They don’t bloom till the following year. I dug these up last fall and planted into a bed with English Bluebells.

Sue in Central Saanich
As you drive down the driveway, your first view is the Island. Five years ago we added the ponds, waterfalls and stream....... the plantings give a show all summer, the sound of the water features and the serenity it provides gives us a real sense of home. Some of the plants include dogwood, Flowering currant, Miss Kim lilac, grasses, coneflowers, deutzia, hebes, iris and azaleas. This year we added our beautiful Red Japanese Maple from Russell's to replace the full size Red Maple (also from Russell's) that outgrew its place of honour.

Anne on Salt Spring Island
Mother Nature’s brilliance! Always inspirational.

Beauty in the twilight. Our clematis opens up slowly and glows in the evening.

Brenda in Central Saanich
New life….new beginning!! Glorious!!

Rosemary in Deep Cove
I call this my accidental garden. It consists of plants such as Artemisia, Nepeta and California poppy that were unwanted or taking up too much room on more valuable real estate . They were thrown together to survive in a hard-to-grow area with no irrigation and minimal maintenance. This year they are thriving after a wet spring and I like the natural unplanned effect. I am happy to have given them a second chance.

Margaret in North Saanich
This tree peony brings us joy year after year. The flowers are large and elegant and the colour is exquisite. One of my favourite plants.

I look forward to seeing the tulips sprout in the planter outside my living room window. They are such a joy in the Spring and give a much needed lift after a dreary winter. These tulips lasted much longer this year, changing and evolving daily over 3 weeks, showing off their character, saying ‘Look at me….I can do ..THIS!

Helga at Bear Mountain
I love my front garden. The rocks came from the original excavation and as we are on glacial till, no two rocks are the same. They make a fabulous hard scape feature and helped me to terrace this garden. I love the layers of colours and textures, both with the flowers and the foliage. Now to replace the phormiums that didn’t make it through this last winter. But with what??

Maureen in North Saanich
This is my Wisteria that never fails to steal the show and elicit "wow's" from family & friends. All year, it graces the backyard trellis and then pops with a colourful canopy in late spring followed by a lovely green foliage into fall. The magic of the moment it when it fills the morning air with a soft fresh fragrance, I know summer is just around the corner.

Pat in Brentwood Bay
This beautiful lupin I bought from your lovely nursery, actual it will have 10 flower heads in bloom in it’s first year, survived the vicious winds we had lately with just one bloom casualty, good strong plant, love it.

Kimberlee in Saanichton
Love my Lupins, and love sharing them to everything they attract! ❤️ Life is Splendid in your garden! Thank you Russell Nursery, you are ALL Fantastic❤️☘️🌈👆

Wendy on Gabriola
Bearded Iris and Allium are delightful garden rewards after a long, cool, chilly, wet May!

Margaret in Fernwood
Here is the result of the recent addition to my hosta planter: pink Ranunculus bulbs. This planter sits on the edge of my patio, amongst a hebe, upright yew (Taxus baccata Fastigiata) and an Arctostaphylos (‘manzanita’)….a Nandina domestica, clematis, Sambucus ‘Aureomarginata' and boxwood honeysuckle (Lonicera nitida) are behind. I enjoy foliage as much as bloom in my garden, especially evergreen and highly textured foliage, which I can enjoy year round.

Danean in Saanich
It feels good to provide for the bees

Karen in Central Saanich
A tree peony in our garden is a delight when it appears each year. We think it is fairly old and it has fewer flowers each year, but the flowers are big and beautiful!!

Donna in Sidney
Wonders of nature. Pleasant surprise -self seeded Foxglove in the garden. The flower on top is almost 4 inches across.

Cynthia in Sidney
My Lupines are putting on a great show this Spring. They offer a delightful welcoming presence. Welcome to my garden my Friends!

Linda in North Saanich
My deciduous azalea ‘antelope’ has the most intoxicating scent right now that literally drifts across my property making it my pick for June. The flower is so beautiful on its own but when you also add an amazing scent that makes it the whole package. I enjoyed spending my Birthday in the garden this past weekend with this scent gently wafting through the air, so yes I would highly recommend it (I have 4 different varieties of deciduous azaleas, all uniquely lovely).

Jamaica on Galiano Island
The lupines in my garden are special to me because they grow so big and lush and the colour blue is so vibrant it really makes my garden seem like it’s bursting when they start to bloom.

Deanna in North Saanich
These Lupin are showing their beauty because this is the spot where our dear cat Ollie used to spend a lot of time during the summer. I believe they are extra beautiful this year, marking the anniversary of his passing at 17. I planted them last year. Every time I walk by, I think of him and I how beautiful the flowers are and how special he was to our family.

Louise in Victoria
This is my Princess Anne rose that I got from you a year ago. It is located in my crowded little plot (about 40 inches x 40 inches) at the Yates Street Community Garden. It produces beautiful blooms that develop scent as they open. You would see more blooms on the shrub if I didn't give them away to other gardeners! In addition to providing beautiful flowers the rose produces smiles from the people receiving a bloom. Thanks Russell Nursery for making it possible.

Michelle on Pender Island
My favourite June bloom! The drama of the unfurling Oriental poppy (Papaver orientale) makes me want to paint this fleeting, exquisite flower. No wonder Georgia O'Keeffe did so- capturing the many moods of this intriguing plant in her famous paintings. From central Asia it's been around for centuries and now in my cottage garden, I welcome the unforgettable colour explosion it creates in late spring- early summer. The lime oregano background emphasizes the stunning beauty. Definite eye candy and with care, makes an incredible bouquet!

Rachel in Sidney
Loopy Lupins. Currently my favourite in the garden and then something else blooms and takes over that accolade 😉

Justin in North Saanich
Wild starflower (Lysimachia latifolia) close to Swartz Bay ferry terminal.

Eliska in Saanich
Rainbow in my garden!

Barbara in Gordon Head
After over 20 years of trying to keep the deer away, I gave up and put in a fence. This is the view through my garden gate after 6 years.

Karen in Brentwood Bay
The front garden is looking spring-like with various lilacs in bloom and the azalea!

Lisa in Langford
This is the month when the roses take centre stage (and we invite lady beetles to help with the aphids)

Pat in Brentwood Bay
I’ve always wanted sunflowers and now I have them! These are a short variety so they are great for my deck.

Isabelle in Sidney
This Iris was witnessed through my sunrise photography practice in late Spring. I have chosen to name it ‘Radiant Vision,’ because it was one of my first muses after I recovered from a concussion after months of therapy. I was fascinated by the veins in the petals as they reach and nourish in the sunbeams of waking light, allowing its radiance to shine. The contrast with the purple and yellow fascinated my healed vision as I explored my garden with my earthen kin.

Tara in North Saanich
Late spring peonies have at last burst into bloom!

Diane in Gordon Head
Bluebells! These return to our garden without fail every year, and when they do, we play that old song of Johnny Mathis, "The Twelfth of Never," which contains the line: "I'll love you 'til the bluebells forget to bloom . . ." Corny, but sweet, and we love it!

Barb in Langford
Part of my shade garden

Mirjam on Mayne Island
Apricot Beauty! I took a piece from my moms prize winning peony in Calgary and now it blooms in my garden on Mayne Is. to bring me joy and remembrance of a master gardener.

Hanne in Saanich
Constance Spry, a climbing rose, sprawls over my fence. She is a once bloomer, but one of the first to bloom in June, and what a display she makes!

Wendi on Pender Island
Looking down the orchard rows over the brilliant colours of sweet william and lady's mantle. I love how these colours and forms mix and spill all over the path.

Nancy in Dean Park
This is my little oasis ! My husband and I like to take our coffee here on summer mornings. We are amused by the humming birds drinking and bathing in the fountain. The chickadees flit back and forth all day feeding their noisy brood in the hanging bird house. The oasis is perfect for entertaining friends and family in the is so sheltered and cozy!

Joanne in North Saanich
I always feel that the garden is fully awake in June with so many flowers showing off their colours and fragrance - peonies, roses, daylily, snap dragon, Sweet William, carnations, dogwood and many other annuals bloom as the bulbs go dormant. Our garden was built on a steep forested slope and we kept some large trees for shade and shelter. Here are two clematis, trained to grow up the trunk of a big leaf maple.

Dorinda in North Saanich
Poppies, petunias and peonies--June happenings in my garden makes it difficult to decide which photo to send along this month. This Sarah Bernhardt peony displayed lovely pink blooms that faded to white over several weeks providing a lasting display of beauty. They are happily planted in front of my roses as they seem to enjoy each others company.

Anne in Sidney
Wisteria at the entrance to the house.

Hilary in Langford
Who says a septic field has to be just grass.

Eleanor in North Saanich
Just love my garden,most plants from Russell’s !
May Entries

Leda in Curteis Point
This is Spotty Dotty planted in a copper coal pot and it was given to me by an avid gardener. I knew it was a special Podophyllum and I planted it in a pot so I could keep track of it: as time went by I noticed that it liked the pot. I always look for this plant to make its entrance onto the Garden stage to announce the spring season.....

Nancy in Sidney
Tree peonies are one of the early spring showy plants. Over four years, I have watched this plant grow and become quite full. The blossoms remind me of frilly party dresses. This photo has a bit of a "shy Di" look - the raindrops of the day are weighing down the plant, yet even the rain drops add to its beauty.

Shirley in Cordova Bay
The rhododendrons are always spectacular in May. I love wandering up this garden path enjoying a new vista around every corner.

Brenda in Curteis Point
This little beauty is one of the first signs of spring and makes me smile. It also reminds me of the prairies, where I used to live.

Elsi in Cordova Bay
The fall tulip bulbs in the potio pots were a wonder to behold this spring. The rains and hail bent the peony blossom stems, but the cuttings just kept blooming.

Kathy in Brentwood Bay
This is the shade garden I came up with. Many different types of hosta, astilbe, bleeding heart, pink dogwood Satomi, small red Japanese maple, Solomon’s seal etc. I loved this garden.

Lisa in Langford
Our garden is currently awash with tulips, which are such a hopeful sight!

Jeanie on Saltspring Island
I have enjoyed this sweet combo of chocolate lilies, daffodils Jack Snipe and Thalia with botanical tulips Praestans shogun and a euphorbia.

Glynis in North Saanich
This is an old black walnut that was having to be pruned almost annually by both Hydro and my husband who scared me every year teetering on a tall ladder. So we took it right down and the rhodo behind is now thriving. With the carpet of daffodils, now over, bluebells and forget me nots it seems to have attracted a number of flower fairies.

Wendy in Brentwood Bay
Sagae Hosta, one of the first to show. All my hosta were divided last year so are much smaller but it gives me room to add a couple of new ones.

Janice in Roberts Creek
Low-growing cotoneaster is a wonderful groundcover. It is excellent for holding banks and grows so thickly that weeds have a tough time establishing. Small white flowers appear in spring, helping early pollinators with red berries coming in the fall. The very rare Scottish Terrier flower happens only when conditions are just right. Sometimes you have to put a sweater on them to prevent frost damage.

Nicki in rural Saanich
Multitasking at its finest. I bought some beautiful perennial shrubs at Russell nursery and my wonderful and handy big and little helpers are helping me find homes for them!

Mirjam on Mayne Island
Tulips are my favourite especially orange princess irene and different varieties. Love lots of colours in my yard to contrast all the surrounding green Trees and plants. These were planted in a pot at my front door. I’ll plant them in the garden after they bloom.

Caren on Pender Island
A spot of brightness in a cool and rainy springtime.

Gail in James Bay
This is a Tree Peony called Abkhazi Princess, developed in the Abkhazi garden in Victoria. There are 36 huge buds on it this year and every spring it’s an amazing experience to watch it open up to dinner plate size.

Shirley in Cordova Bay
A sunny May day in the back yard. Native dogwood in bloom in the background, Japanese Maple “ Uno” in full leaf, rhododendrons, azaleas all springing to life.

Heather in North Saanich
Loving these colours in the garden!

Barbara in North Saanich
This unusual shade plant, podaphyllum “spotty dotty” was purchased at a garden show/sale about 2-3 years ago. I was attracted to the large umbrella like spotted leaves not realizing it would present me the next year with clusters of yellow pendulous flowers. When I see it in the garden I am amazed at it beauty.

Wendy in North Saanich
I planted these violas outside my kitchen window in early September looking for a little fall colour. After being buried in snow and -10 degree temps they continued to flower all winter long. I don’t think I have ever been so pleased with a purchase. Thanks for the recommendation from the Russell staff!

Jennifer on Galiano Island
My Checker Lily Fritillarias that I bought from you a couple of years ago gave me a lovely surprise this spring. I had forgotten where I had planted them. I am hoping they will continue to thrive and spread. They are tucking in among the native vanilla leaf in what we call our woodland garden, with an arbutus, native huckleberry, sword ferns, azaleas and rhodos.

Joanne in North Saanich
For me, May is all about Rhododendrons. With their variety in blossom colours, some fragrant, all sizes, evergreen and tolerant to shade, they tick all the boxes for many spots in my garden. For over 50 years, I lived in a climate that is deadly for Rhododendrons, unless they were in heated greenhouses. Now, when I see them in my back yard, I reminded how lucky we are to have landed here. With the cool, wet weather this spring, the colours have been especially deep and vibrant and the blossoms are lasting a little longer than usual.

Lori in North Saanich
Behind my garden gate, this is a most valuable treasure one could ask for. I love to see this treasure in my garden, she is a ray of sunshine, even on a rainy day. Seeing Jane in my garden brings me joy and the flowers and plants thrive after her visits as well.

Roberta in North Saanich
The first bloom on my Abkazi peony this year

Dorinda in North Saanich
The fragrance of Lavandula Stoechas and the soft humming of the bees, busy with their work, invigorate the senses of the Gardener. One can spend countless hours watching these workers while immersed in scent bliss.

Margo in Saanich
We are so fortunate to have a beautiful Princess Abkhazi tree peony in our garden. This is the first of many blooms on this plant. The first year there was just one bloom and now after a few years and a transplant it is very productive and very beautiful.

Michelle on Pender Island
My favourite late spring display- reliable every year with proper pruning- my Alba Wisteria- which I've let wind up into the background fir trees I planted 16 years ago. Accompanied by the volunteers who make it a real event: Columbine, Sweet Rocket, Centaurea major, and the bee-sy blossoms of Ceanothus to herald in the beginning of June.

Karen in Brentwood Bay
My 7 year old grandson’s garden, he was so inspired by our neighbours garden that we went to your nursery where he picked out all the plants and helped plant the entire garden. He added the bunny this month!

Dianne in Deep Cove
I love all the colours and textures of the plants, framed by the pond. Thank you Russell Nursery for providing them.

Wendi on Pender Island
This new area around the apple tree is bursting with lavender, columbine, yarrow, haskap berries, chives, kale, nigella, bluebells, comfry, wild strawberries, euphorbia, and catmint. With all the rain this spring, it is a bit of an explosion, but I love seeing how much an area can go from sparse plantings the previous year to a full palette of colour and texture... especially if allowed to self seed!

Barb in Langford
This is an area I planted last year….off our back deck. I have ceramic goldfish in the pond which the raccoons love to play with. I usually find them all over the lawn.

Joanne on Pender Island
Tree peony planted 14 years ago

Michael in Deep Cove
Our wet spring has been great for our Exburry azaleas this year and their scent is gorgeous.

Kathy in Saanichton
Really enjoying the early blooms of my clematis and the hint of what’s to come on the climbing hydrangea. In the forefront is the gorgeous Larix kaempferi Grey Pearl. I purchased this from Russell Nursery last year. It is so soft! In the background is Thunderbird watching over everything.

Anna in Victoria
Last June my blue Himalayan poppy (Meconopsis) was in bloom. It’s such a delicate flower and a soft shade of blue that it’s easy to fall in love with this plant. Since it likes shade it’s a beautiful little surprise in a shady spot in the garden. Mine peeks behind a pot of maidenhair ferns and under a laurel hedge.

Louise in North Saanich
Saying goodbye to my camellia’s in June. See you next spring.

Ariel in North Saanich
Monkeyflower in the rain

Shirley in Victoria
Viburnum “summer snowflake” bursts forth in late May or early June. It is well named, for at first glance it does look like snow on the outstretched branches, and it brightens up the back yard. Bright azaleas nearby add contrast.

Sandra in Sidney
Dark eyed Junco nest in my winter hanging basket on my balcony.I couldn't do anything to it until the baby birds flew off so it looks a little scruffy. I was amazing to have this so close and watch the babies fly off. It is now cleared out and replanted for summer.

Anne in Sidney
Sidney suburban garden, out front along the roadside. Evening sunlight on geums. Heuchera on the right. Daffodils in between.

Brian in North Saanich
One of a number of Lewisias on the green roof on our shed
April Entries

Margo in Victoria
We spent many years in Ontario so were delighted when we found a trillium plant blooming in our front garden here in Victoria. Unfortunately, renovations meant that it had to be moved and we were warned that trilliums did not like to be transplanted so we did so with great care. I am so excited and delighted to find that not only did the trillium survive the move but also put forth a small flower this year.

Heather in North Saanich
So hard to choose my favourite in the garden right now but I think it would have to be this one. I have never planted this bulb before so I thought I would give it a try last Fall and I have to say, I’m thrilled with the results!! I may have to plant more this Fall, if I can find space for them!!

Marcia on Saltspring Island
Trillium maculatum is the star of my early April garden. It looks fragile but it just gets bigger every year. I surround it with pieces of quartz I find in my garden to mark its spot when it dies down

Jessie in Swartz Bay
Spring blooms on our patio, beside our mason bee house, all from our favourite place.. Russell Nursery! The beautiful garden beds and patio planters we have created from our finds at the nursery make our life here in North Saanich therapeutic, healing, and peaceful.

Michelle on Pender Island
Amidst the predominate green foliage, colour begins to pop out like subtle fireworks along the garden paths. Since rescuing plants from my back garden where the ever-growing forest shade crept in, the newer, sunny location was created. I am so pleased that the careful transplanting effort over time paid off. Floral islands abound next to veggie patches and soon my indespensible greenhouse will be filled with heirloom tomatoes, cukes and peppers to supply our table and my farm stand.

Kilmeny in Langford
This is a Chocolate Vine, purchased at Russell Nursery about four years ago. It’s blooming now - those little round “berries” open up into tiny white and purple striped flowers. It’s vigorous and attractive, staying green through most of the year, including winter. It’s growing in a spot where it gets a fair bit of sun, especially in the summer, but also has partial afternoon shade. It is on top of a rocky hill in Langford.

Karen in Brentwood Bay
I bought this magnolia from your nursery last April 2021 to do a tree planting ceremony for my mom who had just passed, and who loved her magnolia. This was taken a year later in early April 2022 and it’s a beautiful reminder of my mom’s love of gardening ❤️

Paige in Saanich
I have been gardening with native plants for over 12 years now, and despite being a renter I try my best to leave the yard or garden more pollinator-friendly than I found it. In this backyard I had just the right conditions to establish a patch of White fawn lilies. Every April their blooms remind me that spring is just beginning and there is so much more to look forward to.

Shirley in Cordova Bay
The Acer palmatum 'Uno' is the anchor for this view. This amazing tree leafs out in a lively yellow. As spring turns to summer, it turns to green. When autumn arrives, the leaves turn yellow-orange before fluttering down to mulch the ground below. Some double yellow primroses along the border were a gift from a dear departed friend. They have been split often and offspring given to other friends. Some yellow daffodils peek through. The yellow and blue pansies in blue pots provide contrast.

Louise in Curteis Point
Behind my garden gate is a happy cat under the plum blossom canopy.

Kathy in Saanichton
The little helper, alway ready to lend a hand in my veggie and flower gardens.

Barbara in Deep Cove
This prairie trillium appeared in my garden 3 years ago as a single flower. It first pokes its head through the cold earth in early January to become this beautiful multi stemmed delight in April. I smile every time I walk by it and think how lucky I am to have this stunner in my garden.

Wendy on Saturna Island
The spring emergence of my peony is always a huge delight! I am amazed at the deep red colour that is uniform throughout the whole stem, including the tightly curled leaves, which sweep around with so much sense of movement! Also there is something in the tenderness of this colour that defies the chill of early spring weather and warms my heart with images of huge, pink petalled flowers yet to come. And who can deny that these stems don't entice a craving for the sweetness of red licorice candy?

Jenna on Galiano Island
Our cherry blossom tree brings me so much joy this time of year. It is always one of the first true signs of spring’s arrival and I wish I could bottle the smell for the rest of the year somehow!

Beth on Saturna Island
Here's the red flowering currant that I got at Russell just a couple of years ago, happily welcoming the bees, hummingbirds, and all that spring has to offer, with a burst of colour in my garden on Saturna Island.

Eliska in Saanich
When I bought my first Jack Frost Brunnera I had no clue it would produce such beautiful happy flowers. They definitely bring a lot of light into the dark spots of my garden.

Joanne in North Saanich
Spring flowers make me smile. There are plenty of spaces to tuck in colourful bulbs and corms in the yard. Blossoming shrubs and trees add to the mix along with early blooming perennial plants. The fragrance is an added bonus that entices me to stand in the garden and just take it all in. I can feel my blood pressure drop when I do that.

Barb in Langford
I love this time of year….watching my plants form new buds. Here is a section of the garden with a Pieris japonica in full bloom, Euonymus fortunei, Hydrangea anomala petiolaris ( full of bees when it flowers), Skimmia japonica (sweet smelling right now), and a Camellia just starting to open it’s flowers. A Japanese Lace fern and big leafed hosta will fill in the space.

Pamela in Sidney
Mock orange and yellowtail butterfly.Taken last year.

Dorinda in North Saanich
These Pretty Woman tulips which are typically pure red in colour, decided to show their stripes this year! What an unexpected and pleasant surprise to see these lovely alterations of Nature!

Kendell in Saanich
Lunaria annua also known as silver dollar plant is a true biennial. Self seeding and no maintenance, I just leave it alone and enjoy its unique purple trusses of blooms for all of April.

Brian in North Saanich
Each spring we look forward to a chance hybrid blooming, which we have dubbed ‘Dr. B’. This hybrid is assumed to be a cross between Ribes sanguineum (red, next to hybrid and the probable seed parent) and Ribes sanguineum 'White Icicles' (white, a short distance away and the probable pollen parent). The buds are a deep pink, opening to a white centre with pale pink petals. Definitely a pleasant surprise the first time we noticed it flowering.
March Entries

Anne in Sidney
Hellebore at entrance to my driveway just after recent snowfall. Miraculous colour and strength of "character", holding itself upright and beaming spring and all its promises, forth.

Margaret in Fernwood
Here is a photo of my Fernwood back yard taken in late afternoon sun during the last week of March. From the left: a star magnolia, my witch hazel past bloom but in leaf bud, a Cornelian cherry in bright yellow bloom right and behind and a red flowering currant to the right. Up top at the back is a flowering Pisser plum. There are numerous other shrubs, conifers and perennials in here too, all creating my inner city ‘sacred space’ and providing well used food and habitat to many birds and pollinators.

Kevin on Pender Island
After a dreary, cold start, March 13th decided to relinquish some sweet waining sunlight for the first time in these days of late frosts. My husband got excited and with delight he repositioned the Adirondack chair back on the dock so he could glimpse the timid goldfish arising from their hibernation. Also, a relaxing spot to view the Monet-like surrounds - rimmed with perrenials, grasses and sedges, bamboo, bulbs, gunnera and our favourite willow- all slowly shrugging off Winter and awakening to Spring renewal on this well-loved 'golden pond'.

Karen in Brentwood Bay
This view is in my front yard and I planted lots of daffodils as I’ve loved them for years and never had any in my previous gardens. They remind me of the Wordsworth poem "I wandered lonely as a cloud" and they bring the first joy of spring after the cold dreary winter.

Barb in Langford
Here is a picture of two of my Helleborus orientalis plants. I love getting out in the garden this time of year - cleaning, pruning, mulching and watching everything starting to grow. My garden has kept me sane during Covid. We have 2 acres, mostly woods but my husband has fenced off an area to keep our deer friends out.

Shirley in Cordova Bay
With a view like this, working in the kitchen is doubly enjoyable. Some Camelia ‘Donation’ cut for the vase bring the blossoms closer to us for the times we can’t be outdoors. They are interspersed with osmanthus sprigs which add a beautiful scent. In the back yard, flowering plums provide some lacey background, Rhododendron ‘Cheer‘ is in full bloom, heathers nestle on the edge of an island bed, and Viburnum ‘Summer Snowflake’ is beginning to leaf out while Japanese Maple ‘Uno’ shows its yellow spring foliage. We are fortunate to have forest in the rear of the property to provide a year-round green background.

Lisa in Langford
I love this time of year because it's full of hope and anticipation. These roses have survived the winter and the novice pruning and look ready to thrive again. They make me hope for warm, beautiful days and colorful blossoms, with no lasting effects from heat domes, king tides, and atmospheric rivers.

Joanie in Gordon Head
This little south west facing garden is nestled below a maple and looks it’s best in the late afternoon light. Watching this tiny garden come to life always brings a smile to my face because it heralds the coming of spring. By mid January the snow drops are in full bloom, closely followed by hellebores and then mini daffodils that once again survived the winter despite the snow covered and/or rain filled pots in which they reside. These mini daffs are super resilient!!!

Kilmeny in Langford
This is a photo of a winter-flowering white heather, “Silberschmeltze”, which I bought from Russell Nursery and planted atop my back yard Rock the fall after I moved into my house, so about five years ago. The Rock had been engulfed by a rather aggressive blackberry, which took some evicting. The heather is roughly five times it’s original size now, and blooms profusely, sometimes under snowdrifts (!) from December to May.

Wendy in Brentwood Bay
I love the first spring flowers and the bumblebees they attract. I find violas very hardy over winter and always plant several pots. This one is mixed with hyacinths.

Joanne in Cloake Hill
Our property is on a hill and we have many rocks that form tiered beds. I love the little vignettes that are created by the crevices and small spaces within the rock wall. This little space allows one to view the Hellebore blossoms from below as you climb from the greenhouse to the house.

Heidi in Oak Bay
After pruning the Starflower Magnolia in the front yard I didn’t have the heart to throw all those beautiful buds in the compost bin! So I gathered them up and, in a sense, brought my tree inside to enjoy the blooms as they emerge over the next several days.

Brian in North Saanich
The first tulip, a species, is always a harbinger of spring and warmer, sunny days to come. Other early bulbs like Eranthus, Crocus, and Galanthus will frequently pop up through the snow, but Tulips seldom bloom until the snow's gone and the spring season is starting.

Eleanor in North Saanich
Close up picture of my beautiful Witch Hazel, lovely bush which flowers for months during the winter and early spring with fascinating small flowers.

Wendy in Brentwood Bay
I love my crocus. They look fragile but they are tough and a sure sign spring is coming.

Eliska in Saanich
Juicy green baby garlic shoots that poked out of the soil definitely made my day. I always feel like a superhuman when I can grow my own food.

Jennifer in South Shawnigan Lake
We have just moved in to our newly built house as of Nov 30, 2021 and it was supposed to be ready April 2021, so we had big garden plans and lots of sketches!! My partner and I are both gardeners professionally so our little yard is a massive dream for us. Well, moving in at the end of Nov, with a mud pit of a yard and waiting on a fence installation, did not allow us to carry out our big plans yet… These three pots at the front door are my little bright lights for the moment and I love seeing them every time I enter and exit the house. The colour on our hens and chicks?!?!

Kendell in Uptown Corridor
The evergreen winter blooming Iris unguicularis (Nov. to March) survives our Saanich gardens poor clay soil. It loves a hot sunny concrete foundation with no fussy care. The colour is an addictive blue mauve, flowers are so large and showy, that I cannot wait for November to arrive. The only perennial that blooms reliability on January 1st allows you to send flower photos across Canada to gloat that you live in Victoria, BC.

Heather in Sidney
Last week as cold, cold air threatened my pots of tulips and delicate azaleas, I huddled them together, looped old Christmas lights over them and flung a sheer curtain on top. When they emerged as the temperature rose, all were unscathed!

Lois in Saanichton Village
I love our aubretia. When we bought our house, it was growing in the ditch amongst the weeds and tall grass barely visible. I dug it up and kept it until we had our front yard and rockwall made and divided and replanted it. It started blooming in January this year. It’s the first blast of colour, and makes me smile every time I see it.

Davina in Oak Bay
This is my front garden. Very colourful in the spring and is enjoyed by myself and passers by. The garden was completely overgrown when I bought the house a few years ago, but some hard work and plants from Russell’s have transformed the spot.

Kathy in Brentwood Bay
I purchased this home in 2017 and it had very old bushes, roses, clematis etc that were not looked after. It took me three years to get the gardens back to their glory and of course I purchased loads of plants and created more gardens. Please enjoy.

Jan on Pender Island
Kids and gardens, always so much fun! Children are full of wonder and the absolute pleasure of discovery, delighted to find that they can eat peas straight off the vine, or squealing with joy the first time they discover that potatoes can be found by digging for treasure under the ground. A great lesson for us adults to pause and take pleasure in small earthly delights!

Maureen in North Cowichan
Coming from the cold, snowy, blustery prairies, I was stunned to see this Helleborus Winter Jewel show its beautiful face twice in February. It arrived early in the month much to my delight. When the snow arrived and bent it face down buried in the snow, I thought it was a memory. But the snow melted and like a little trooper it stood to attention, delighting us once again. It's still sweetly blooming to this day. Thanks, for letting me show it off.

Gail in Sidney
A sunny little spot for some sumptuous herbs and flowers to flourish. We transformed our side garden with a new pebbled path, 2 custom made raised planter boxes, and metal obelisk for the clematis to climb. A garden of any size is always enjoyable, especially when you can eat it!

Richard in Curteis Point
The heathers blooming along the pathways in the garden are the first sign that spring blossoms are on their way. (Erica carnea 'Rosalie')

Shirley in Cordova Bay
Its not something we are used to seeing on southern Vancouver Island but this Japanese Maple (Acer Palmatum Osakazuki ) is like delicate white lace with a fresh snowfall on its branches. Waking up to this view out our bedroom window into the back yard makes it feel like we just landed in a proverbial winter wonderland. The many birds use it as a perch while they take turns at the feeder in winter and the birdbath in summer. This is a tree that can give one pleasure in any season.

Louise in Curteis Point
In June, I always look forward to warm afternoons on the patio, sipping on a glass of wine and watching the bees, butterflies and hummingbirds drinking nectar from our Peaches and Cream Honeysuckle vine (Lonicera periclymenum).